comparison graphic virtual assistant vs grunt workers vs hiring locally
Virtual Assistant Grunt Workers Hire Locally
100% Satisfaction Guarantee

No long-term agreement

Will find a replacement for you if the person isn’t a good fit

Recruiting done for you

Recruiting for the best talent all the time (not just in a certain window of time)

Get the highest quality talent availability at a given time

Make big and compelling offers to retain talent

Source some talent from Fortune 500 companies

In-house recruiting team

On job-board recruiting

Off job-board recruiting

In-house sourcing list of candidates

Minimum 2 years of experience

Final candidates have a proven portfolio or body of work

Go through 2 to 4 interviews before talking to you

Background checks

Criminal record checks

Previous employer verification

Reference (Character) checks

Talent support

Talent exclusivity

Full-time attention and dedication

Full return on their time and talents

2 people supporting the talent

Paid Holidays

Paid sick leaves

Weekly team accomplishment celebration meetings

Work policy and framework reviews to better and support your company

Ongoing education

Group coaching

Learn from their peers

Learn from other disciplines

Marketing strategy overview

In-depth strategic training

Access to 100+ hours of training and courses

Individual coaching as needed

Client service level training

Time tracking

Communication framework to better serve you

Human capital optimization

Campaign optimization training

Top of funnel optimization training

Middle of funnel optimization training

Bottom of funnel optimization training

Project management optimization

Time management for optimal productivity

Accountability programs

Daily check-in

Daily check-out

Weekly reviews

Individualized troubleshooting and support


